Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics- a review

The health benefits imparted by probiotics and prebiotics as well as synbiotics have been the subject of extensive research in the past few decades. These food supplements termed as functional foods have been demonstrated to alter, modify and reinstate the pre-existing intestinal flora. They also facilitate smooth functions of the intestinal environment. Most commonly used probiotic strains are: Bifidobacterium, Lactobacilli, S. boulardii, B. coagulans.

Prebiotics like FOS, GOS, XOS, Inulin; fructans are the most commonly used fibers which when used together with probiotics are termed synbiotics and are able to improve the viability of the probiotics.

Present review focuses on composition and roles of Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics in human health.

Furthermore, additional health benefits like immune-modulation, cancer prevention, inflammatory bowel disease are also discussed. […]

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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Choosing A Good Probiotic

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Choosing A Good Probiotic

by Vincent Pedre, M.D.
Founder:  Pedre Integrative Health
NYC’s Leading Gut Health Expert

Many patients arrive in my office with gut imbalances that manifest in all sorts of ways, including weight gain, chronic inflammatory diseases, fatigue, and skin conditions like eczema. These gut imbalances result from numerous culprits. Chief among them are chronic stress, a high-sugar processed-foods diet, other dietary extremes, certain diseases, and specific gut insults, including unfavorable bacterial infections, parasites, and yeast.

Those problems aren’t as far-reaching as they might seem when you consider how much of your health begins in your gut. An out-of-whack gut can result in allergies, autoimmunity, weight gain, acne, skin rashes, yeast infections, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, depression and even accentuate the way you sense pain.

One way I help restore a patient’s gut to balance is with “probiotics.” The term, derived from Latin, means “for life.”

Among their numerous health benefits, research shows these friendly microorganisms help prevent bowel diseases, improve your immune system, reduce traveler’s diarrhea, help you maintain a healthy weight, heal various skin conditions, improve bloating and other uncomfortable GI symptoms, and even boost your mood, helping to reduce the effects of anxiety and depression. […]

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